Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I cannot believe that it is Halloween already!  I am so sorry I haven't posted recently- as you may or may not know, I accepted a new job in August that has moved my family all the way out to Wyoming!  We are all very excited, and getting settled in.  My new job is going very well- I am working very long hours and have a 14 days on, 7 days off schedule, which has me stretched pretty thin during my work week- but it is not that bad since I love my job! 

My scrap room was unpacked about a month ago and I am still working to get it organized.  I have had some time to craft, which I am very grateful for!  I am actually starting to work on my Christmas cards and Christmas presents for our parents now, so hopefully I can get them done and mailed out sometime soon!

I hope you are having a wonderful fall- we have had 4 inches of snow already and are getting used to the cold!  I hope you have a great Halloween and get lots of pitcures of your little ones!  Mine are dressing up as a princess and Iron Man, and are looking forward to Trick or Treating tonight.   I'm looking forward to scrapping the pictures already!  I am hoping to get them done this week- and I promise to have a creative post this week as well!!